19 Deshapriya Park Road
Kolkata - 700026
Email: carmeldp@gmail.com
School Office: 033 2464 2583
Carmel Primary School is an educational institution for girls (nursery to class 4). Medium of instruction is English with Hindi/Bengali as Second Language. The school does not receive any financial assistance from the Government and meets all running expenses from fees. The school reserves the right to make alterations in fees. Every year tuition fees are raised by 10-15%. Academic year begins in January.
Education for all
Develop students into committed persons
Academic excellence
Service to people
Forming students who are
Morally upright and emotionally mature
Seekers of knowledge and truth
Integrated and creative
Inspired by a spirit of charity, liberty and responsibility
Radiators of joy and goodwill
Agents of liberation of the poor, oppressed and marginalized, especially women
Committed to selfless service in the social, political cultural milieu.
Collaborating with staff members who are
Ready to share in the vision of the Apostolic Carmel
Eager to pursue the ideas and values of the institution
Qualified, skilled and innovative in the field of education
Motivated by love towards each other and their pupils
Exemplary in word and deed.
National Integration Pledge
I solemnly pledge to work with dedication to preserve and strengthen the freedom and integrity of the nation.
I further affirm that I shall never resort to violence and that I will continue to endeavour towards settlement
of all differences and disputes relating to religion, language, region or other political or economical grievances
by peaceful and constitutional means.