Many hands
and machines worked on me and gave me a shape in
the factory until finally I was ready to be
showcased on 13th December 2011. I am a pair of
Nike shoes. As soon as I was born I was neatly
packed in a box and sent to a shop named Elite
in New Market in Calcutta.
I was the most handsome and expensive pair in
the rack. The ladies' footwear used to eye me
and talk about me. No one could buy me because I
was very expensive. One day a superstar came and
bought me. He used to wear me to all the
parties. I must say he was the best dancer in
the city. I loved dancing along with the ladies'
footwear. But one day while drinking coffee he
mistakenly spilt some on me. Just then he wiped
me sure, but since then he just left me on his
shoe rack. After that he never put me on.
Finally one day he got rid of all his used but
not old shoes and I was one of them. This time I
was given away to one ordinary man who used to
wear me everywhere - to his office, gym, shops…
He did not have any other pair so he always
walked with me even on dirty roads and mud
puddles but unfortunately he never danced! One
day I was torn apart and my stitches opened up.
He went to the cobbler to mend me. But he said
"These shoes cannot be repaired any more". So he
had no other choice but throw me away and so he
did. After many days a beggar picked me up and
somehow managed to put me together with strings.
I did not want to stay with him. But he might
not have thought like me.
He always treated me with love and care. And I
think he loves me for the sake of me. So he
still wears me though I look extremely worn out.